USB 3.0 Fails To Attach Western Digital My Book 3.0

Michael Martin mgmartin at
Sat Nov 6 01:18:03 UTC 2010

On 11/04/2010 13:37, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
> On Saturday 23 October 2010 15:37:55 Michael Martin wrote:
>>    On 10/23/2010 00:23, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
>>> On Saturday 23 October 2010 02:07:59 Michael Martin wrote:
>>>>     On 10/21/2010 01:29, Michael Martin wrote:
>>>>>    Thanks for the new USB 3.0 effort!
>>>>> I'm testing it out on 9.0-CURRENT amd64.  The controller seems to find
>>>>> a 2.0 usb stick fine.  However, when I plug in a Western Digital 3.0
>>>>> drive, the device fails to attach.  The WD drive attaches fine when
>>>>> plugging into a 2.0 port on the motherboard.
>>>>> Controller info:
>>>>> xhci0 at pci0:5:0:0:       class=0x0c0330 card=0xffffffff chip=0x01941033
>>>>> rev=0x03 hdr=0x00
>>>>>       vendor     = 'NEC Electronics Hong Kong'
>>>>>       class      = serial bus
>>>>>       subclass   = USB
>>>>>       bar   [10] = type Memory, range 64, base 0xfbbfe000, size 8192,
>>>>> enabled
>>>>>       cap 01[50] = powerspec 3  supports D0 D3  current D0
>>>>>       cap 05[70] = MSI supports 8 messages, 64 bit
>>>>>       cap 11[90] = MSI-X supports 8 messages in map 0x10
>>>>>       cap 10[a0] = PCI-Express 2 endpoint max data 128(128) link x1(x1)
>>>>> ecap 0001[100] = AER 1 0 fatal 0 non-fatal 0 corrected
>>>>> ecap 0003[140] = Serial 1 ffffffffffffffff
>>>>> ecap 0018[150] = unknown 1
>>>>> WD 3.0 Drive Info ( while plugged into the 2.0 port ):
>>>>> ugen3.4:<My Book 3.0 Western Digital>   at usbus3, cfg=0 md=HOST
>>>>> spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=ON
>>>>>     bLength = 0x0012
>>>>>     bDescriptorType = 0x0001
>>>>>     bcdUSB = 0x0210
>>>>>     bDeviceClass = 0x0000
>>>>>     bDeviceSubClass = 0x0000
>>>>>     bDeviceProtocol = 0x0000
>>>>>     bMaxPacketSize0 = 0x0040
>>>>>     idVendor = 0x1058
>>>>>     idProduct = 0x1123
>>>>>     bcdDevice = 0x1010
>>>>>     iManufacturer = 0x0001<Western Digital>
>>>>>     iProduct = 0x0002<My Book 3.0>
>>>>>     iSerialNumber = 0x0003<XXXRemovedXXX>
>>>>>     bNumConfigurations = 0x0001
>>>>> Output when plugging in the Western Digital 3.0 into the 3.0 port:
>>>>> Oct 21 01:03:54 gandalf root: Unknown USB device: vendor 0x1058
>>>>> product 0x1123 bus uhub4
>>>>> Oct 21 01:03:54 gandalf kernel: ugen4.2:<Western Digital>   at usbus4
>>>>> Oct 21 01:03:54 gandalf kernel: umass0:<Western Digital My Book 3.0,
>>>>> class 0/0, rev 3.00/10.10, addr 1>   on usbus4
>>>>> Oct 21 01:03:54 gandalf kernel: umass0:  SCSI over Bulk-Only; quirks =
>>>>> 0x0000
>>>>> Oct 21 01:03:55 gandalf kernel: umass0:9:0:-1: Attached to scbus9
>>>>> Oct 21 01:03:57 gandalf root: ZFS: zpool I/O failure, zpool=wd3.1
>>>>> error=28
>>>>> Oct 21 01:03:57 gandalf last message repeated 2 times
>>>>> Oct 21 01:03:57 gandalf root: ZFS: vdev I/O failure, zpool=wd3.1 path=
>>>>> offset= size= error=
>>>>> Oct 21 01:04:03 gandalf kernel: ugen4.2:<Western Digital>   at usbus4
>>>>> (disconnected)
>>>>> Oct 21 01:04:03 gandalf kernel: umass0: at uhub4, port 2, addr 1
>>>>> (disconnected)
>>>>> Oct 21 01:04:03 gandalf kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): lost device
>>>>> Oct 21 01:04:03 gandalf kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): got CAM status
>>>>> 0xa
>>>>> Oct 21 01:04:03 gandalf kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): fatal error,
>>>>> failed to attach to device
>>>>> Oct 21 01:04:03 gandalf kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:
>>>>> Oct 21 01:04:03 gandalf kernel: 0:0): removing device entry
>>>>> Oct 21 01:04:14 gandalf root: ZFS: zpool I/O failure, zpool=wd3.1
>>>>> error=28
>>>>> Oct 21 01:04:14 gandalf last message repeated 2 times
>>>>> Oct 21 01:04:14 gandalf root: ZFS: vdev I/O failure, zpool=wd3.1 path=
>>>>> offset= size= error=
>>>>> Output when plugging in the WD 3.0 into the 2.0 port:
>>>>> Oct 21 01:15:20 gandalf root: Unknown USB device: vendor 0x1058
>>>>> product 0x1123 bus uhub3
>>>>> Oct 21 01:15:20 gandalf kernel: ugen3.4:<Western Digital>   at usbus3
>>>>> Oct 21 01:15:20 gandalf kernel: umass0:<Western Digital My Book 3.0,
>>>>> class 0/0, rev 2.10/10.10, addr 4>   on usbus3
>>>>> Oct 21 01:15:20 gandalf kernel: umass0:  SCSI over Bulk-Only; quirks =
>>>>> 0x0000
>>>>> Oct 21 01:15:21 gandalf kernel: umass0:9:0:-1: Attached to scbus9
>>>>> Oct 21 01:15:28 gandalf kernel: da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 scbus9 target
>>>>> 0 lun 0
>>>>> Oct 21 01:15:28 gandalf kernel: da0:<WD My Book 3.0 1123 1010>   Fixed
>>>>> Direct Access SCSI-4 device
>>>>> Oct 21 01:15:28 gandalf kernel: da0: 40.000MB/s transfers
>>>>> Oct 21 01:15:28 gandalf kernel: da0: 953867MB (1953519616 512 byte
>>>>> sectors: 255H 63S/T 121600C)
>>>>> Output when plugging in 2.0 device into the 3.0 port:
>>>>> Oct 21 01:09:54 gandalf root: Unknown USB device: vendor 0x090c
>>>>> product 0x1000 bus uhub4
>>>>> Oct 21 01:09:54 gandalf kernel: ugen4.2:<USB>   at usbus4
>>>>> Oct 21 01:09:54 gandalf kernel: umass1:<USB Flash Disk, class 0/0,
>>>>> rev 2.00/11.00, addr 1>   on usbus4
>>>>> Oct 21 01:09:54 gandalf kernel: umass1:  SCSI over Bulk-Only; quirks =
>>>>> 0x0000
>>>>> Oct 21 01:09:55 gandalf kernel: umass1:10:1:-1: Attached to scbus10
>>>>> Oct 21 01:09:56 gandalf kernel: (probe0:umass-sim1:1:0:0): TEST UNIT
>>>>> READY. CDB: 0 0 0 0 0 0
>>>>> Oct 21 01:09:56 gandalf kernel: (probe0:umass-sim1:1:0:0): CAM status:
>>>>> SCSI Status Error
>>>>> Oct 21 01:09:56 gandalf kernel: (probe0:umass-sim1:1:0:0): SCSI
>>>>> status: Check Condition
>>>>> Oct 21 01:09:56 gandalf kernel: (probe0:umass-sim1:1:0:0): SCSI sense:
>>>>> UNIT ATTENTION asc:28,0 (Not ready to ready change, medium may have
>>>>> changed)
>>>>> Oct 21 01:09:56 gandalf kernel: da1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus10 target
>>>>> 0 lun 0
>>>>> Oct 21 01:09:56 gandalf kernel: da1:<USB Flash Disk 1100>   Fixed
>>>>> Direct Access SCSI-0 device
>>>>> Oct 21 01:09:56 gandalf kernel: da1: 40.000MB/s transfers
>>>>> Oct 21 01:09:56 gandalf kernel: da1: 956MB (1957888 512 byte sectors:
>>>>> 64H 32S/T 956C)
>>>>> --Michael
>>>> ( I never got the last list email to this thread, so replying to my
>>>> own.)
>>>> Hans, I added your suggestions and here's what I've found:
>>>> There seems to be two issues.
>>>> (1)
>>>> The first is initial recognition of the device.  If I have umass
>>>> compiled in the kernel or as a module loaded by loader.conf, initial
>>>> load of xhci almost never finds the attached drive as the modules are
>>>> loaded.  If I kldunload xhci then load it back in, umass finds the
>>>> drive.  Re-loading or delaying the the load of xhci ( manual kldload or
>>>> in rc.local ) almost always finds the drive.  Seems like order matters
>>>> here too.  umass likes to be loaded first followed by xhci which then
>>>> triggers umass to see the drive.
>>>> If both umass and xhci are compiled in the kernel, the drive is never
>>>> initialized.
>>>> The good news is I can get the drive to be recognized by a
>>>> kldunload/kldload of xhci.
>>>> (2)
>>>> One the drive is recognized I can see it and partition it using gpart.
>>>> However, when I start dumping data to the drive, the drive gets
>>>> disconnected.  I was doing a dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=1M
>>>> count=500.  The initial dd would sometimes succeed.  Running dd
>>>> imediately after the initial success would cause an error.
>>>> Here's the tail output of umass debugging while the dd was running and
>>>> the device stopped:
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:19 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_transfer_start: transfer
>>>> index = 4
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:19 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_t_bbb_data_read_callback:
>>>> max_bulk=131072, data_rem=512
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:19 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_t_bbb_data_read_callback:
>>>> max_bulk=131072, data_rem=0
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:19 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_transfer_start: transfer
>>>> index = 8
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:19 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_bbb_dump_csw: CSW 4049: sig
>>>> = 0x53425355 (valid), tag = 0x00000fd1, res = 0, status = 0x00 (good)
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:19 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_cam_action:
>>>> 7:0:0:XPT_SCSI_IO: cmd: 0x28, flags: 0x40, 10b cmd/512b data/32b sense
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:19 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_bbb_dump_cbw: CBW 4050: cmd
>>>> = 10b (0x280000000000...), data = 512b, lun = 0, dir = in
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:19 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_transfer_start: transfer
>>>> index = 4
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:19 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_t_bbb_data_read_callback:
>>>> max_bulk=131072, data_rem=512
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:19 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_t_bbb_data_read_callback:
>>>> max_bulk=131072, data_rem=0
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:19 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_transfer_start: transfer
>>>> index = 8
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:19 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_bbb_dump_csw: CSW 4050: sig
>>>> = 0x53425355 (valid), tag = 0x00000fd2, res = 0, status = 0x00 (good)
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:19 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_cam_action:
>>>> 7:0:0:XPT_SCSI_IO: cmd: 0x35, flags: 0xc0, 10b cmd/0b data/32b sense
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:23 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_cam_action:
>>>> 7:0:0:XPT_SCSI_IO: cmd: 0x25, flags: 0x40, 10b cmd/8b data/32b sense
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:23 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_bbb_dump_cbw: CBW 4051: cmd
>>>> = 10b (0x250000000000...), data = 8b, lun = 0, dir = in
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:23 gandalf kernel: ugen4.2:<Western Digital>   at usbus4
>>>> (disconnected)
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:23 gandalf kernel: umass0: at uhub4, port 2, addr 1
>>>> (disconnected)
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:23 gandalf kernel: umass0:umass_detach:
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:23 gandalf kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:23 gandalf kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): lost device
>>>> Oct 22 17:44:23 gandalf kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): removing device
>>>> entry
>>>> I've saw there are quirks for the WESTERN MYBOOK .  A added a specific
>>>> device into usbdevs and an entry into usb_quirk.c to mimic the same
>>>> quirks:
>>>>                UQ_MSC_NO_SYNC_CACHE),
>>>> This didn't help, and I got the disconnect as shown above.
>>>> --Michael
>>> Hi,
>>> Could you compile kernel with "options USB_DEBUG".
>>> Then run:
>>> sysctl hw.usb.uhub.debug=16
>>> Then attach your drive.
>>> Maybe the USB stack is mistreating some event from the XHCI. Send the
>>> resulting dmesg.
>>> --HPS
>> I set debug and plugged in the drive.  Here's the output.
>> --Michael
> Hi,
> Thanks for the debug output. Can you try to "svn up" to r214808.
> Then apply the following patch to:
> sys/dev/usb/usb_hub.c
> ==================================================================
> --- usb_hub.c   (revision 214808)
> +++ usb_hub.c   (local)
> @@ -609,6 +609,15 @@
>                  case UPS_PORT_LS_U1:
>                          is_suspend = 0;
>                          break;
> +               case UPS_PORT_LS_SS_INA:
> +                       /* Try a warm port reset to recover the port. */
> +                       err = usbd_req_warm_reset_port(udev, NULL, portno);
> +                       if (err) {
> +                               DPRINTF("warm port reset failed.\n");
> +                               goto done;
> +                       }
> +                       is_suspend = 0;
> +                       break;
>                  default:
>                          is_suspend = 1;
>                          break;
> Then build a new kernel. And send new debug output if your device does not
> work.
> --HPS
I applied the patch to r214808.  The drive is recognized better now--da0 
is created most of the time.  When I tried to access the drive via zfs 
import, the zfs import hung.  I have two WD USB 3.0 drives ( same 
vendor/product id but different bcdDevice .  One drive has better 
success being recognized than the other.

I captured several debug outputs here: .  Maybe 
something in these can help.

Let me know procedure wise how it's best to capture data for 
you--plugged in prior to boot or plugging in after boot.  I tried to get 


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