[patch] add usb hub (0x2514 / 0x0424) to usbdevs

Alexander Best alexbestms at wwu.de
Thu Mar 11 11:25:55 UTC 2010

just a product addition to usbdevs.


oh...and one question:

why does `usbconfig dump_device_desc` say

ugen3.2: <product 0x2514 vendor 0x0424> at usbus3, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH
(480Mbps) pwr=SAVE

  bLength = 0x0012
  bDescriptorType = 0x0001
  bcdUSB = 0x0200
  bDeviceClass = 0x0009
  bDeviceSubClass = 0x0000
  bDeviceProtocol = 0x0002
  bMaxPacketSize0 = 0x0040
  idVendor = 0x0424
  idProduct = 0x2514
  bcdDevice = 0x0000
  iManufacturer = 0x0000  <no string>
  iProduct = 0x0000  <no string>
  iSerialNumber = 0x0000  <no string>
  bNumConfigurations = 0x0001

although the vendor id is already in usbdevs?
-------------- next part --------------
Index: sys/dev/usb/usbdevs
--- sys/dev/usb/usbdevs	(revision 204988)
+++ sys/dev/usb/usbdevs	(working copy)
@@ -2768,6 +2768,7 @@
 product SMC 2206USB		0x0201	EZ Connect USB Ethernet
 product SMC 2862WG		0xee13	EZ Connect Wireless Adapter
 product SMC2 2020HUB		0x2020	USB Hub
+product SMC2 2514HUB		0x2514	USB Hub
 product SMC3 2662WUSB		0xa002	2662W-AR Wireless
 /* SOHOware products */

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