10Mbps+ throughput usb based ethernet recommendation

Nenhum_de_Nos matheus at eternamente.info
Mon Mar 1 19:22:56 UTC 2010

On Mon, March 1, 2010 16:10, Pyun YongHyeon wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 01, 2010 at 03:57:02PM -0300, Nenhum_de_Nos wrote:
>> hail,
>> I need an usb nic that is able to push more then 10Mbps on wire. if is
>> altq capable better.
> AFAIK all USB ethernet drivers support altq(4).

first of all, thanks for the reply.

but unfortunatelly I think I found one that is not, rue. at least ont the
version pfsense 1.2.3 is based ...

>> I use pfsense as router, but my next upgrade will use 10Mbps link and my
>> aue and rue nic's can't pass the 5Mbps barrier. I need to use three to
>> make 11Mbps on it, and its not a good thing for me in production.
>> I've seen some axe based on its manual page, but I'm afraid to buy and
>> it
>> won't solve my problem. if anyone has any leads/experience on this
>> please
>> broadcast :)
> Last time I tried AX88178 based axe(4) controller, I can push more
> than 200Mbps. Related change already MFCed to stable/8.

that's kind of a problem for me, as pfsense uses 7 yet (is about to change)

> I'm not sure which FreeBSD version pfsense is based on though.

7.2+ (7.2, or a bit more new from stable).

but thanks for the info ! aiming at this controller :)


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