UCLogic tablets on FreeBSD

mi at aldan.algebra.com mi at aldan.algebra.com
Thu Jul 22 18:04:23 UTC 2010


chuckr@ seems 
to have implemented support for UC-LOGIC tablets 
<http://www.trust.com/products/group.aspx?coll=TABLETS> for  FreeBSD. I 
have a user with just such a device using FreeBSD-8.1/i386. The device 
is seen by usbconfig(8) as:

    ugen1.4: <Tablet WP8060U UC-LOGIC> at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=LOW
    (1.5Mbps) pwr=ON

but I can't find anything in ports, that mentions "UC-LOGIC"...

How would I go about making the device usable? I tried e-mailing Chuck 
twice, but, evidently, am not reaching him :-(

Thanks for any ideas. Yours,


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