Driver for LEDs on Logitech MX610

Hans Petter Selasky hselasky at
Wed Feb 10 08:18:50 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 10 February 2010 01:59:49 Christof Schulze wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> currently I own a logitech mx610 which is a mouse that registers as two
> separate USB devices (lsusb -vvv output [3]). One for the regular mouse
> usage,
> the other for controlling the LEDs that are on the mouse. They do register
>  as ugen and ums device on FreeBSD. Since I find it cool I would like to
>  use those
> LEDs for various notification purposes.
> There is a hack to make use of these LEDs on Linux available [1] which is
>  not written with portability in mind from what I can tell. So I would like
>  to get this working on FreeBSD and looked into the matter. It seems like I
>  want to control those LEDs using usbhid. The manpage however is quite
>  sketchy and I cannot make heads or tails of it.
> I would greatly appreciate some help in getting this to work. I'd like to
> know
> what I have to do to the device to send the commands needed which are
> represented by the control char array given in [1].
> Thank you very much in advance.
> [1]
> [2]
> January/002820.html
> [3]
> kind regards
> Christof

Have you looked at libusb?

What version of FreeBSD are you using?


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