tiny ukbd num lock issue

Alexander Best arundel at freebsd.org
Thu Aug 26 22:19:38 UTC 2010

On Thu Aug 26 10, Jim Bryant wrote:
> when you had to press it twice, was that only for the first attempt, and 
> did pressing it once after that turn it off?  and once after that, on?

exactly. it might be a bit easier to understand if i explain it this way:

instance 	|	num lock led	|	number keys working
---------------	| --------------------- | -------------------------
no key press	|	on		|	no
1st key press	|	on		|	no
2nd key press	|	off		|	no
3rd key press	|	on		|	yes
4th key press	|	off		|	no
5th key press	|	on		|	yes

(key press refering to the num lock key)


> i just read your note here, and the following one about the long delays 
> (kern/99538), and was able to duplicate the two-press thing.
> amd64 here, under kde, and the keyboard is a compaq pos ps/2 via a 
> generic mouse/kb dongle/adapter for usb i got on ebay from hong kong:
> ukbd1: <vendor 0x13ba Generic USB K/B, class 0/0, rev 1.10/0.01, addr 2> 
> on usbus2
> ums1: <vendor 0x13ba Generic USB K/B, class 0/0, rev 1.10/0.01, addr 2> 
> on usbus2
> it seems that the press-twice scenario was only needed the first 
> attempt.  normal behaviour after that.
> 8.1-stable last cvsup/build:
> FreeBSD orb.electron-tube.net 8.1-STABLE FreeBSD 8.1-STABLE #0: Wed Aug 
> 25 03:44:55 CDT 2010     
> jbryant at orb.electron-tube.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ORB  amd64
> Alexander Best wrote:
> >hi there,
> >
> >i have a very tiny num lock issue with ukbd on HEAD (amd64; r211393). in my
> >bios i have enabled the "boot with num lock enabled" feature. when i fire 
> >up
> >freebsd the num lock light on my keyboard is on. however the num lock keys
> >don't work. if i press the num lock button once nothing happens. if i hit 
> >it
> >twice the num lock led goes off. to make the num lock feature work i have 
> >to
> >actually hit the num lock key thrice.
> >
> >is this a known issue?
> >
> >cheers.
> >alex
> >
> >  


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