writing usb drivers under 8.x

Jim Bryant kc5vdj.freebsd at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 18:20:48 UTC 2010

also, i'd like to hook up with a committer, as i'd like to have the 
finished drivers in the official tree.

both devices (the temper, and the imon) have uses suited to both 
home/workstation use, as well as server use, in fact my imon is 
installed in orb, which is a home multi-server (music, books, tv shows, 
movies, mysql, samba, etc), and i intend to use the imon vfd as a tool 
to get server info without having to login to the server (using the 
knob/button to select from a menu on the vfd), and it has uses in both 
home and enterprise server realms.

i think the source tree would benefit from having both drivers once 

Jim Bryant wrote:
> i have some usb devices, in the hid class, that i am wanting to write 
> some drivers for.
> seeing that one of these previously had an older non-submitted driver 
> for 5.x-7.x online, i thought that might be a good starting point (the 
> imon vfd/lirc driver), but that does not work, due to the changes in 
> the usb subsystem.
> where can i find documentation on this subsystem?
> are there any decent skeletons to start with, or does this need to be 
> from scratch?
> i'd like to start with a driver for the pcsensor temper usb 
> thermometer, for which i already wrote a libusb util for, since these 
> are widely sold, and very popular (and usually around $5 USD), and 
> since it only has one transaction (read current temp), I figure it 
> would be easier to start with while I learn the usb driver framework.
> as for the imon vfd unit, i'd like to tackle that next.  i have 
> written libusb utilities for all of the display functions supported, 
> and have documented the knob/button interrupt packets (only three 
> packet types, clockwise, counterclockwise, and button down).  all of 
> the remote control functions are well-documented in lirc.
> i've been looking through the sources in the sys tree, but would like 
> to find some comprehensive documentation of the new usb subsystem, and 
> maybe someone who can give me pointers as i go.
> jim

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