virtual usb drive errors

Pavel Sukhoy sukhoy at
Tue Apr 6 09:43:58 UTC 2010

Hi All,

I hope it's a right place to ask, if no, please advice right mailing list.

My server is based on intel S5000PAL motherboard and have dedicated "Intel
management module 2". 

If I try to boot from remotely mounted installation drive/iso (FreeBSD
8.0-RELEASE) it goes fine until I
choose installation media - in messages I see a read error.

If I try to mount remote drive on working FreeBSD (also 8.0-RELEASE) - I
see that virtual
device recognized fine, but gets error when trying to mount:

Remotely connecting iso:

12:53:33 kernel: umass3: <Intel(R) Multidevice, class 0/0, rev 
2.00/0.01, addr 2> on usbus4
12:53:33 kernel: umass3:  SCSI over Bulk-Only; quirks = 0x0000
12:53:34 kernel: umass3:3:3:-1: Attached to scbus3
12:53:35 kernel: (probe0:umass-sim3:3:0:0): TEST UNIT READY. CDB: 
0 0 0 0 0 0
12:53:35 kernel: (probe0:umass-sim3:3:0:0): CAM Status: SCSI 
Status Error
12:53:35 kernel: (probe0:umass-sim3:3:0:0): SCSI Status: Check 
12:53:35 kernel: (probe0:umass-sim3:3:0:0): UNIT ATTENTION 
12:53:35 kernel: (probe0:umass-sim3:3:0:0): Power on, reset, or 
bus device reset occurred
12:53:35 kernel: (probe0:umass-sim3:3:0:0): Retrying Command (per 
Sense Data)
12:53:35 kernel: cd3 at umass-sim3 bus 3 target 0 lun 0
12:53:35 kernel: cd3: <Intel(R) RMM2 VDrive 4 0.01> Removable CD-
ROM SCSI-3 device
12:53:35 kernel: cd3: 40.000MB/s transfers
12:53:35 kernel: cd3: cd present [1058112 x 2048 byte records]

And now I trying to mount it:

12:54:20 kernel: g_vfs_done():cd3[READ(offset=32768, 
length=2048)]error = 5 

This error repeats on any virtual iso/drives.

Has anyone else seen similar problems? 

Thanks in advance for any help.

With best regards,
Pavel Sukhoy.

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