kern/137806: USB keyboard doesn't work until it's unplugged

Rashid N. Achilov citycat4 at
Sat Sep 5 12:35:30 UTC 2009

On Saturday 05 September 2009, Jaromír Cápík wrote:
> Hello. 
> Any news here?

On 7.x - none. HID devices still uninitalized, LPT OK (now I have USB printer 
Samsung ML-1640). I suspect, that team still wait for 8.0-RELEASE and, when 
it will occured, says "Upgrade your version to latest, 7.x won't support".

Personaly I'd like to try install USB2 - probably it wll solve this problem. 

Also usb/138175 - is anybody takes it? Or now I have "secret key" - to boot, 
insert USB or card in reader 

   With Best Regards.
   Rashid N. Achilov (RNA1-RIPE), Web:
   E-Mail: shelton [гав!] vmfree [тчк] askd [тчк] ru
   PGP: 83 CD E2 A7 37 4A D5 81 D6 D6 52 BF C9 2F 85 AF 97 BE CB 0A

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