ums no longer loads on CURRENT

Garrett Cooper yanefbsd at
Sun Mar 1 18:25:23 PST 2009

Recently built kernel as of today around 4pm. The mouse is available  
on the console and moused isn't running; this issue prevents me from  
using X11. I'm looking for all libraries linked against 
8 right now...

More details:

[root at orangebox /usr/home/gcooper]# kldload ums
module_register: module ushub/ums already exists!
Module ushub/ums failed to register: 17
kldload: can't load ums: File exists

[root at orangebox /usr/home/gcooper]# cat /root/ORANGEBOX-common /root/ 

cpu		I686_CPU

# To statically compile in device wiring instead of /boot/device.hints
#hints		"GENERIC.hints"		# Default places to look for devices.

makeoptions	DEBUG=-g		# Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols

options 	SCHED_ULE		# ULE scheduler
options 	PREEMPTION		# Enable kernel thread preemption
options 	INET			# InterNETworking
#options 	INET6			# IPv6 communications protocols
options 	SCTP			# Stream Control Transmission Protocol
options 	FFS			# Berkeley Fast Filesystem
options 	SOFTUPDATES		# Enable FFS soft updates support
options 	UFS_ACL			# Support for access control lists
options 	UFS_DIRHASH		# Improve performance on big directories
options 	UFS_GJOURNAL		# Enable gjournal-based UFS journaling
options 	MD_ROOT			# MD is a potential root device
options 	NFSCLIENT		# Network Filesystem Client
options 	NFSSERVER		# Network Filesystem Server
options 	NFSLOCKD		# Network Lock Manager
options 	NFS_ROOT		# NFS usable as /, requires NFSCLIENT
options 	NTFS			# NT File System
options 	MSDOSFS			# MSDOS Filesystem
options 	CD9660			# ISO 9660 Filesystem
options 	PROCFS			# Process filesystem (requires PSEUDOFS)
options 	PSEUDOFS		# Pseudo-filesystem framework
options		GEOM_BSD
options		GEOM_MBR
options 	GEOM_PART_GPT		# GUID Partition Tables.
options 	GEOM_LABEL		# Provides labelization
options 	COMPAT_43TTY		# BSD 4.3 TTY compat [KEEP THIS!]
options 	COMPAT_FREEBSD4		# Compatible with FreeBSD4
options 	COMPAT_FREEBSD5		# Compatible with FreeBSD5
options 	COMPAT_FREEBSD6		# Compatible with FreeBSD6
options 	COMPAT_FREEBSD7		# Compatible with FreeBSD7
options 	SCSI_DELAY=5000		# Delay (in ms) before probing SCSI
options 	KTRACE			# ktrace(1) support
options 	STACK			# stack(9) support
options 	SYSVSHM			# SYSV-style shared memory
options 	SYSVMSG			# SYSV-style message queues
options 	SYSVSEM			# SYSV-style semaphores
options 	_KPOSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING # POSIX P1003_1B real-time  
options 	KBD_INSTALL_CDEV	# install a CDEV entry in /dev
options 	STOP_NMI		# Stop CPUS using NMI instead of IPI
options 	AUDIT			# Security event auditing
options 	HWPMC_HOOKS		# Necessary kernel hooks for hwpmc(4)

# Debugging for use in -current
options 	KDB			# Enable kernel debugger support.
options		KDB_UNATTENDED		# I don't want to be here when shit crashes..
options 	DDB			# Support DDB.
options 	GDB			# Support remote GDB.
options 	INVARIANTS		# Enable calls of extra sanity checking
options 	INVARIANT_SUPPORT	# Extra sanity checks of internal  
structures, required by INVARIANTS
#options 	WITNESS			# Enable checks to detect deadlocks and cycles
#options 	WITNESS_SKIPSPIN	# Don't run witness on spinlocks for speed

# Make an SMP-capable kernel by default
options 	SMP			# Symmetric MultiProcessor Kernel

device		apic

# CPU frequency control
device		cpufreq

# Bus support.
device		acpi
device		pci

# ATA and ATAPI devices
device		ata
device		atadisk		# ATA disk drives
device		atapicam	# Required for [C|DV]D burning
#device		ataraid		# ATA RAID drives
device		atapicd		# ATAPI CDROM drives
#device		atapist		# ATAPI tape drives
options 	ATA_STATIC_ID	# Static device numbering

# SCSI peripherals
device		scbus		# SCSI bus (required for SCSI)
device		ch		# SCSI media changers
device		da		# Direct Access (disks)
device		cd		# CD
device		pass		# Passthrough device (direct SCSI access)

# atkbdc0 controls both the keyboard and the PS/2 mouse
device		atkbdc		# AT keyboard controller
device		atkbd		# AT keyboard
device		psm		# PS/2 mouse

device		kbdmux		# keyboard multiplexer

device		vga		# VGA video card driver

device		splash		# Splash screen and screen saver support

# syscons is the default console driver, resembling an SCO console
device		sc

device		agp		# support several AGP chipsets

# Serial (COM) ports
device		uart		# Generic UART driver

# If you've got a "dumb" serial or parallel PCI card that is
# supported by the puc(4) glue driver, uncomment the following
# line to enable it (connects to sio, uart and/or ppc drivers):
#device		sio

# PCI Ethernet NICs.
device		em		# Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Family

# PCI Ethernet NICs that use the common MII bus controller code.
# NOTE: Be sure to keep the 'device miibus' line in order to use these  
device		miibus		# MII bus support
device		msk		# Marvell/SysKonnect Yukon II Gigabit Ethernet

# Pseudo devices.
device		loop		# Network loopback
device		random		# Entropy device
device		ether		# Ethernet support
device		tun		# Packet tunnel.
device		pty		# Pseudo-ttys (telnet etc)
device		md		# Memory "disks"
#device		gif		# IPv6 and IPv4 tunneling
#device		faith		# IPv6-to-IPv4 relaying (translation)
device		firmware	# firmware assist module

# The `bpf' device enables the Berkeley Packet Filter.
# Be aware of the administrative consequences of enabling this!
# Note that 'bpf' is required for DHCP.
device		bpf		# Berkeley packet filter

# FireWire support
device		firewire	# FireWire bus code
device		sbp		# SCSI over FireWire (Requires scbus and da)
device		dcons

device		sound
device		snd_emu10kx

include	"ORANGEBOX-common"

# USB support
device		uhci		# UHCI PCI->USB interface
device		ohci		# OHCI PCI->USB interface
device		ehci		# EHCI PCI->USB interface (USB 2.0)
device		usb		# USB Bus (required)
#device		udbp		# USB Double Bulk Pipe devices
device		uhid		# "Human Interface Devices"
device		ukbd		# Keyboard
device		ulpt		# Printer
device		umass		# Disks/Mass storage - Requires scbus and da
device		ums		# Mouse
#device		uscanner	# Scanners

# USB <-> RS232 adapter.
device		uplcom
device		ucom

[root at orangebox /usr/home/gcooper]# uname -a
#2: Sun Mar  1 16:42:18 PST 2009     root at 
usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ORANGEBOX  i386

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