USB2+umass: root mount fails

M. Warner Losh imp at
Sun Mar 1 11:19:17 PST 2009

In message: <20090301190057.GD90301 at>
            Andrew Thompson <thompsa at> writes:
: On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 01:53:36PM -0800, Marcel Moolenaar wrote:
: > It appears that the root mount isn't serialized with USB discovery
: > in the same way it was under USB1.
: It seems that this is not completly resolved with the root mount hold in
: r188907 as geom may not have tasted the partition tables when
: vfs_rootmount is woken. USB still needs to finish its bus probe earlier
: on the boot process.

This sounds like a more fundamental ordering problem.  It sounds like
we need two gates here.  (1) All the underlying devices are there and
(2) All tasting is done.


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