USB2 & apcupsd

Noriyoshi Kawano bowie at
Sun Feb 15 23:15:52 PST 2009

At Sat, 14 Feb 2009 10:36:53 +0100,
Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
> Hi,
> As long as you don't see ugenX.Y attach/detach messages, it means that the 
> Apcupsd daemon is doing something. Probably it is the "usb_link_check()" 
> procedure that is executing and the connection is reset by the following 
> code:
>       if (my_data->fd) {
>          usb_reset(my_data->fd);
> /* XXX: usb_close() not needed according to libusb0.1 refdocs */
> 	usb_close(my_data->fd);  
> Could you enable debugging in Apcupsd ?
> What speed is your device reported like by usbconfig ?
> --HPS


I enabled debugging in apcupsd.

Because the "usb_interrupt_read()" becomes the error, 
the "usb_link_check()" is called.

# apcupsd -d 500
--- snip ---
61.689 apcupsd: generic-usb.c:538 Timeout=539
62.232 apcupsd: generic-usb.c:549 usb_interrupt_read error: (-1) Operation not permitted
62.232 apcupsd: generic-usb.c:458 link_check comm lost
68.538 apcupsd: generic-usb.c:300 Reinitializing private structure.
68.539 apcupsd: generic-usb.c:398 Initializing libusb
68.539 apcupsd: generic-usb.c:403 Found 0 USB busses
68.539 apcupsd: generic-usb.c:405 Found 0 USB devices
68.539 apcupsd: generic-usb.c:416 /dev/usb:/dev/ugen3.2 - 0000:0000
68.539 apcupsd: generic-usb.c:416 /dev/usb:/dev/ugen0.2 - 051d:0002
--- snip ---

# usbconfig -u 0 -a 2
ugen0.2: <Uninterruptible Power Supply American Power Conversion> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=LOW (1.5Mbps) pwr=ON

Noriyoshi Kawano

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