HEADSUP usb2/usb4bsd to become default in GENERIC

Andrew Thompson thompsa at FreeBSD.org
Sun Feb 8 10:38:27 PST 2009

On Sun, Feb 08, 2009 at 06:48:39PM +0100, Remko Lodder wrote:
> On Sun, February 8, 2009 6:21 am, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> > * Maxim Sobolev <sobomax at FreeBSD.org> [090206 01:50] wrote:
> >> Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> >> >      - Update GENERIC to use usb2 device names.
> >>
> >> Wasn't there a plan to rename usb2 devices to match oldusb names (where
> >> applicable) once oldusb had been killed? I don't see it in the list.
> [snip]
> >
> > If a lot of people poke me about renaming it, we'll get it done,
> > but I don't really believe in it.
> >
> I would like to enfavor that it is being named "usb" at some point. We do
> not want to keep names like rcNG while at some point it's the defacto
> standard right? Also names like USB2 tell people that there might be a
> USB1 as well, which we no longer ship at some point.
> Please name it "usb_*".
> In addition; there is a request from Warner (if I remember correctly);
> which I do share; there is a manual regeneration needed if you add
> something to usbdevs, please make sure that that goes automatically like
> "usb1" does at the moment.

I take it the stage (1) is to switch over GENERIC to the new usb2 code
and will not involve renaming the config items.

stage (2) moves the usb code around in svn and all USB2 kernel config
items will assume their original names, ie. usb2_controller_echi ->

I think this is what Alfred was getting about with only changing it


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