usb/104292: [usb67] [umass] [hang] system lockup on forced
umount of usb-storage device
gavin at
gavin at
Mon Aug 24 17:10:02 UTC 2009
Old Synopsis: [umass] [hang] system lockup on forced umount of usb-storage device
New Synopsis: [usb67] [umass] [hang] system lockup on forced umount of usb-storage device
State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: gavin
State-Changed-When: Mon Aug 24 17:06:55 UTC 2009
To submitter: It is believed that all causes of this problem have been fixed
in FreeBSD 8.x and were merged into 7.x before 7.2 was released. Therefore
you should not be able to recreate the problem in 7.2-RELEASE. Can you confirm
that this PR can be closed?
Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-usb->gavin
Responsible-Changed-By: gavin
Responsible-Changed-When: Mon Aug 24 17:06:55 UTC 2009
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