Performance issues

M. Warner Losh imp at
Sun Aug 9 17:56:31 UTC 2009

In message: <3bbf2fe10908091038m3efb3612l2923d8b3238e111f at>
            Attilio Rao <attilio at> writes:
: 2009/8/9 Attilio Rao <attilio at>:
: > 2009/8/9 M. Warner Losh <imp at>:
: >> In message: <200908091840.55000.hselasky at>
: >>            Hans Petter Selasky <hselasky at> writes:
: >> : On Sunday 09 August 2009 18:23:41 M. Warner Losh wrote:
: >> : > Any ideas how to track this down?
: >> :
: >> : Hi,
: >> :
: >> : USB is only draining from "usbd_transfer_drain()" in
: >> : /sys/dev/usb/usb_transfer.c . You could add a print including the backtrace
: >> : and see if that function gets called when it freezes.
: >>
: >> Ummm.  No.  Adding a traceback print to a function that's called 60
: >> times a second in steady state doesn't seem like a viable option.
: >>
: >> : Else I would try to compile a fresh kernel from USB P4. There are
: >> : some patches there in relation to the recent newbus lock change,
: >> : that might help.
: >>
: >> This kernel predates the newbus lock change.
: >>
: >> : USB uses uppercase "WDRAIN". Is your printout lowercase "wdrain" ?
: >>
: >> Yes.
: >
: > That's used by the buffer cache in order to reduce pressure of
: > asynchronous writes. It waits for other writes to complete before to
: > go on. Probabilly, I/O requests get stuck for another reasong starving
: > the asynchronous requests queue flushing.
: It would be also interesting to understand if the allowed requests are
: just lost or still pending and can be effectively flushed out. Can you
: please show the content of vm.runningbufspace ?

The writes eventually happen, it is just stalled.  I'll run the
experiment again and see if I can give you that info...

: However, keep in mind that as long as the buffer cache is global, if
: the bluethoot dongle breaks I/O requests, it can be the offending
: part, so USB may not be involved.

I'm not sure I understand this statement.  I think what is happening
is a race between multiple devices.  I also see problems when I have
both a usb disk and a usb dvd burner attached.  I didn't used to see
that problem (I made hundreds of DVDs of my son's hockey games).  Now,
I can't even burn one disc to save my life...

Besides, the bluetooth dongle isn't going to be doing any disk block
requests, so how can that interfere with the buffer cache?


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