Panic with usb serial

Kostik Belousov kostikbel at
Mon Mar 31 23:19:56 PDT 2008

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 10:11:04PM +0000, Vince wrote:
> Hi all,
> 	Is it expected that removing a usb serial adapter while you have a 
> connection (eg tip) using it will panic a -stable system? I know it is 
> expected if you remove a mounted umass device so wanted to see if its 
> known behavior for serial before I file a pr. (adapter is <FTDI usb 
> serial converter, class 0/0, rev 1.10/4.00, addr 3>)
> -stable version as of the 25th march, (may have existed before but the 
> first time I forgot to close tip before removing the device was on this 
> version.)

What is the exact version number of your system ? There are two supported
stable branch now.
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