snd_uaudio with libusb ?

Xiaofan Chen xiaofanc at
Sat Sep 29 02:13:06 PDT 2007

On 9/29/07, Chuck T. <freebsdfan at> wrote:
> >I think your device is a USB composite USB device with two
> >interfaces (one for USB audio and the other for GPIO). How
> >do you control the GPIO under Linux (by control transfer
> >or interrupt/bulk transfer)? If the Linux application indeed
> >works at the same time as the USB audio, then Linux
> >does bind different driver to different interfaces (one for
> >the usb audio interface and no driver for the GPIO interface).
> I talk to the GPIO bits via vendor specific requests to the control pipe.
> I do a usb_open() when my application loads and never close it.  When I need
> to set a GPIO bit I use usb_control_msg().  I've never "looked under the
> covers" to see why it works, but it does.

So this works under Linux but not FreeBSD. Maybe this is just a limitation
of libusb under FreeBSD. Anyway, it is said that libusb is just a thin
wrapper on top of USB. You may want to use the lower level api instead.

I confess I do not know further (like how to bind ugen to individual interfaces
and use IOCTL to perform usb transfer). But if post some codes,
others may be able to help you.


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