OpenUSB for FreeBSD?

Xiaofan Chen xiaofanc at
Sun Nov 11 19:02:31 PST 2007

OpenUSB's API is now rather stable and they have the front end
and Linux/Solaris backend basically done. It is a fork of libusb-1.0
development branch since that branch is dormant for a while.
The aim is to be thread safe and supports assync I/O and isochronous
transfer where libusb-0.1 may have problems.

Is it possible for some people here to implement a backend
(based on ugen?) for FreeBSD?

OpeUSB webpage:

Or maybe at least improve the current libusb-0.1.x implemenation
for FreeBSD.

By the way, the latest CVS version of usbutils (lsusb) supports
FreeBSD and it is rather a nice tool.


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