RFC: ugensa(4) driver ported from NetBSD

Mike Tancsa mike at sentex.net
Mon Dec 31 06:42:32 PST 2007

At 07:31 AM 12/31/2007, Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira wrote:
>   I wrote a simple port of the NetBSD ugensa(4) driver: USB generic 
> serial adapter
>   I would like for you to review the "ported" kernel module. The 
> file can be found at

         I will give it a try!  I have a few such devices that I have 
been using on FreeBSD with the driver at


It would be great if this could be part of the base of FreeBSD!


>         The files are as follow:
>- Modified kernel module for FreeBSD based on src/sys/dev/usb/uplcom.c
>- Original NetBSD kernel module
>- Some header definitions while usbdevs is not updated
>   Unfortunally, I haven't been able to test this module since it 
> means that I have to buy one of the supported devices. It is a 
> chicken-n-egg problem..... Nevertheless, I would like to know if I 
> made any obvious mistakes on the module porting.
>   Regards,
>Mario S F Ferreira - DF - Brazil - "I guess this is a signature."
>feature, n: a documented bug | bug, n: an undocumented feature
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