usb/119018: HP ScanJet 4300C found as knowndev but not recognized
by any driver, Olympus C350 also doesn't work
Ivan Good
ivap at
Tue Dec 25 15:00:02 PST 2007
>Number: 119018
>Category: usb
>Synopsis: HP ScanJet 4300C found as knowndev but not recognized by any driver, Olympus C350 also doesn't work
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: freebsd-usb
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Tue Dec 25 23:00:01 UTC 2007
>Originator: Ivan Good
>Release: 7.0-BETA4
TU Berlin
FreeBSD 7.0-BETA4 FreeBSD 7.0-BETA4 #4: Tue Dec 25 23;02:08 UTC 2007 root at i386
Notebook is "Dell Latitude C840"
Dear Friends!
I have noticed some inconsistencies in usb-device-handling. My main Problem (0) was: if I connect my usb-scanner "HP ScanJet 4300C" (officially listed in uscanner(4) as supported device), it is recognized as known device, but usbd fails to attach it with the following message (kernel option USB_DEBUG is set):
usbd_new_device bus=0xc25e1000 port=1 depth=1 speed=2
usbd_new_device: adding unig addr=2, rev=100, class=0, subclass=0, protocol=0, maxpacket=8, len=18, speed=2
usbd_new_device: new dev (addr 2), dev=0xc286c480, parent=0xc259bb80
//value of devinfo after calling usbd_devinfo(dev,1,devinfo) is:
//"Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4300C, class 0/0, rev 1.00/0.00, addr 2"
usbd_probe_and_attach: no device specific driver found
usbd_probe_and_attach: looping over 1 configurations
uhub0: port 1, set config at addr 2 failed, error=STALLED
usbd_remove_device: 0xc286c480
uhub_explore: usb_new_device failed, error=STALLED
uhub0: device problem (STALLED), disabling port 1
1)I have compiled my usb_subr.c with -DUSBVERBOSE set and there were some more problems to review:
CHICONY2 and AIPTEK2 vendors were not declared!
2)And the last one: as I plugged my "Olympus C-350" digital camera, it caused a kernel panic (page fault while in kernel mode, code = "supervisor read, page not present"). If the camera is plugged in before the start, system refuses to boot.
Many people would be thankful if the problems would be fixed in the next version ;-)
Best regards,
Ivan Good
0)Ask the developer of the 4300C-interface to connect the scanner and try to work with it.
1)Try to compile /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usb_subr.c with defined USBVERBOSE option.
2)Connect the C-350 Olympus camera.
No known fixes available. The problem seems to be rather old as I found many unanswered questions about it in several forums on the net.
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