making the linksys 200m work...

M. Warner Losh imp at BSDIMP.COM
Sun Dec 17 22:03:32 PST 2006

In message: <a8a1e6750612172055n2901676xb70b9d8dae7cdaef at>
            "Dan Frohlich" <dan.frohlich at> writes:
: At the top of which file? In there is no vendor info for 0x13b1 in usbdevs.

>From usbdevs:
 * List of known USB vendors
 * publishes a VID list of USB-IF member companies at
 * Note that it does not show companies that have obtained a Vendor ID
 * without becoming full members.

: OpenBSD usbdevs has: vendor CISCOLINKSYS 0x13b1 Cisco-Linksys
: I called is LINKSYS4 trying to follow the pattern that was established in
: usbdevs, but now I'm using the line from the OpenBSD usbdevs file.

OpenBSD is more right here because 0x13b1 is 5041 which is listed as:

5041|Cisco-Linksys, LLC

which is what should control the naming.  Every so often I go through
the list and regularize them to more closely match and the more
LINKSYS12's there are, the more work I have.


: -Dan
: On 12/17/06, M. Warner Losh <imp at> wrote:
: >
: > People shouldn't be adding LINKSYS12 or DLINK14 type entries to
: > usbdevs.  they should be using the pointer at the top of the file to
: > find who the OEM really is.
: >
: > Warner
: >
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