making the linksys 200m work...

M. Warner Losh imp at
Sun Dec 17 17:36:44 PST 2006

In message: <20061218012938.GM75351 at>
            Bernd Walter <ticso at> writes:
: On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 04:24:21PM -0500, Dan Frohlich wrote:
: > Here is what I did to try to get the linksys 200m running:
: > 
: > in if_axe.c:
: > /* product LINKSYS2 USB200M     0x2226  USB 2.0 10/100 ethernet */
: > product LINKSYS4 USB200M        0x0018  USB 2.0 10/100 ethernet rev 2.00
: > /0.01
: > 
: > in usbdevs:
: > 
: > When I plug in my linksys usb dongle I see this at the console:
: > axe0: vendor 0x13b1 product 0x0018, rev 2.00/0.01, addr 2
: > axe0: MII without any PHY!
: > device_attach: axe0 attach returned 6
: > 
: > The cable is plugged in, but the link LEDs are all dark. :(
: Same as with the DLink: looks like completely different hardware.

People shouldn't be adding LINKSYS12 or DLINK14 type entries to
usbdevs.  they should be using the pointer at the top of the file to
find who the OEM really is.


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