Boot from JetFlash USB device fails

srinath shetty t_n_shetty at
Thu Dec 7 22:08:45 PST 2006

Hi All
     In one of our products, we have support for taking snapshot in to USB device and booting from USB in the next reboot. This feature works fine with most of the USB devices. However it is not working fine with USB : JetFlash TS512MJF110 ( but it boots fine once in 20 trials) 
  Also It works fine with other families of the same product.
  Would like to know if JetFlash TS512MJF110  is supoted by free BSD. If yes, is there any fix for it?
  I have pasted below the log message we are getting during the boot time:
  Trying to boot from USB device ...
  Loading /boot/loader
  No /boot/loader, next boot from alternate path
  Loading /cf/boot/loader
  Disk error 0x1 (lba=0x58060)
  No /cf/boot/loader
  >> FreeBSD/i386 BOOT
  Default: 0:da(0,a)/kernel
  No /kernel
  >> FreeBSD/i386 BOOT
  Default: 0:da(0,a)/kernel
Please let us know how to proceed on this.
  Thnaks and Regards

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