USB Wireless Micorosoft Mouse not recognized

Sergio Mangialardi sergio at
Thu Aug 17 05:23:40 UTC 2006

I'm trying to use the Microsoft "Wireless Notebook Laser Mouse 6000"
I acquired some time ago, on my FreeBSD 6.1-Stable AMD64 laptop but the 
system didn't recognize it, no /dev/ums0 device is created.
I've device usb and device ums statically compiled in the kernel, this
is the output of usbdevs -vd:

Controller /dev/usb0:
addr 1: full speed, self powered, config 1, UHCI root hub(0x0000),
VIA(0x0000), rev 1.00
  port 1 addr 2: low speed, power 100 mA, config 1, Microsoft Wireless
Optical Mouse® 1.00(0x00e1), Microsoft(0x045e), rev 0.07
  port 2 powered
Controller /dev/usb1:
addr 1: full speed, self powered, config 1, UHCI root hub(0x0000),
VIA(0x0000), rev 1.00
  port 1 powered
  port 2 powered
Controller /dev/usb2:
addr 1: full speed, self powered, config 1, UHCI root hub(0x0000),
VIA(0x0000), rev 1.00
  port 1 powered
  port 2 powered

I tried to add the mouse's id to the file src/sys/dev/usb/usbdevs:

product MICROSOFT WNLMOUSE6000  0x00e1  Wireless Notebook Laser Mouse 6000

then I rebuilt and reinstalled the kernel and rebooted but nothing 
changes, when I plug the mouse no message is displayed, while when I 
unplug it a message "(null): at uhub0 port 1 (addr 2) disconnected" is 

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance


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