LibUSB fails to enumerate all devices

Thierry Thomas thierry at
Sun Oct 23 05:30:02 PDT 2005

Le Dim 23 oct 05 à 11:51:38 +0200, Loren M. Lang <lorenl at>
 écrivait :
> I am developing a USB device which has two interfaces, one interface
> uses a standard HID protocol, the other is completely custom at the
> moment.  FreeBSD attaches appropriately to the HID interface and works
> correctly.  For the custom interface, I was going to write a device
> driver in userspace using libusb, but I can't seem to find it.  I wrote
> a program to enumerate all devices on all busses, but the only device I
> see is the one device I don't have any driver loaded for.  Does FreeBSD
> not allow a userspace to access an interface of a usb device when any of
> it's interfaces are grabbed by a kernel driver even though the interface
> I want is not grabbed?

There are many problems with libusb on FreeBSD. I have solved such a
problem with the patches provided at

Th. Thomas.
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