i386/68719: [usb] USB 2.0 mobil rack+ fat32 performance problem

Dominic Marks dom at goodforbusiness.co.uk
Sun May 29 08:20:08 PDT 2005

The following reply was made to PR i386/68719; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "Dominic Marks" <dom at goodforbusiness.co.uk>
To: <james>
Cc: <freebsd-fs at FreeBSD.org>,
	<freebsd-gnats-submit at FreeBSD.org>,
	<banhalmi at field.hu>
Subject: Re: i386/68719: [usb] USB 2.0 mobil rack+ fat32 performance problem
Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 16:15:48 +0100

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 On Saturday 28 May 2005 15:40, Dominic Marks wrote:
 > On Saturday 28 May 2005 12:13, Dominic Marks wrote:
 > > On Saturday 28 May 2005 11:36, Bruce Evans wrote:
 > <snip>
 > > > I use the following to improve transfer rates for msdosfs.  The patch
 > > > is for an old version so it might not apply directly.
 > > >
 > > Thanks! I'll try my three tests again with this patch.
 > Index: msdosfs_vnops.c
 > ===================================================================
 > RCS file: /usr/cvs/src/sys/fs/msdosfs/msdosfs_vnops.c,v
 > retrieving revision
 > diff -u -r1.149.2.1 msdosfs_vnops.c
 > --- msdosfs_vnops.c	31 Jan 2005 23:25:56 -0000
 > +++ msdosfs_vnops.c	28 May 2005 14:26:59 -0000
 > @@ -607,6 +607,7 @@
 >  		struct uio *a_uio;
 >  		int a_ioflag;
 >  		struct ucred *a_cred;
 > +		int seqcount;
 >  	} */ *ap;
 >  {
 >  	int n;
 > @@ -615,6 +616,7 @@
 >  	u_long osize;
 >  	int error = 0;
 >  	u_long count;
 > +	int seqcount;
 >  	daddr_t bn, lastcn;
 >  	struct buf *bp;
 >  	int ioflag = ap->a_ioflag;
 > @@ -692,7 +694,7 @@
 >  	 */
 >  	if (uio->uio_offset + resid > osize) {
 >  		count = de_clcount(pmp, uio->uio_offset + resid) -
 > -			de_clcount(pmp, osize);
 > +		   	de_clcount(pmp, osize);
 >  		error = extendfile(dep, count, NULL, NULL, 0);
 >  		if (error &&  (error != ENOSPC || (ioflag & IO_UNIT)))
 >  			goto errexit;
 > @@ -700,6 +702,7 @@
 >  	} else
 >  		lastcn = de_clcount(pmp, osize) - 1;
 > +	seqcount = ioflag >> IO_SEQSHIFT;
 >  	do {
 >  		if (de_cluster(pmp, uio->uio_offset) > lastcn) {
 >  			error = ENOSPC;
 > @@ -725,7 +728,7 @@
 >  			 * then no need to read data from disk.
 >  			 */
 >  			bp = getblk(thisvp, bn, pmp->pm_bpcluster, 0, 0, 0);
 > -			clrbuf(bp);
 > +			vfs_bio_clrbuf(bp);
 >  			/*
 >  			 * Do the bmap now, since pcbmap needs buffers
 >  			 * for the fat table. (see msdosfs_strategy)
 > @@ -775,6 +778,7 @@
 >  		 * without delay.  Otherwise do a delayed write because we
 >  		 * may want to write somemore into the block later.
 >  		 */
 > +		 /*
 >  		if (ioflag & IO_SYNC)
 >  			(void) bwrite(bp);
 >  		else if (n + croffset == pmp->pm_bpcluster)
 > @@ -782,6 +786,24 @@
 >  		else
 >  			bdwrite(bp);
 >  		dep->de_flag |= DE_UPDATE;
 > +		*/
 > +		/*
 > +		 * XXX Patch.
 > +		 */
 > +                if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_NOCLUSTERW) == 0)
 > +                       bp->b_flags |= B_CLUSTEROK;
 > +                if (ioflag & IO_SYNC)
 > +                       (void)bwrite(bp);
 > +                else if (vm_page_count_severe() ||
 > buf_dirty_count_severe()) +                       bawrite(bp);
 > +                else if (n + croffset == pmp->pm_bpcluster) {
 > +                       if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_NOCLUSTERW) == 0)
 > +                               cluster_write(bp, dep->de_FileSize,
 > seqcount); +                       else
 > +                               bawrite(bp);
 > +               } else
 > +                       bdwrite(bp);
 > +                dep->de_flag |= DE_UPDATE;
 >  	} while (error == 0 && uio->uio_resid > 0);
 >  	/*
 > Your patch works for me on 5.4-STABLE. It improves write performance
 > dramatically. I did another test, reading and writing 1GB chunks of data.
 > Since the patch is to the _write function is it safe to assume the same
 > method could be used to fix read performance if applied properly in the
 > correct function?
 > Cheers,
 I have been experimenting in msdosfs_read and I have managed to come up with 
 something that works, but I'm sure it is flawed. On large file reads it will 
 improve read performance (see below) - but only after a long period of the 
 file copy achieving only 3MB/s (see A1). During this time gstat reports the 
 disc itself is reading at its maximum of around 28MB/s. After a long period 
 of low throughput, the disc drops to 25MB/s but the actual transfer rate 
 increases to 25MB/s (see A2).
 I've tried to narrow it down to something but I'm mostly in the dark, so I'll 
 just hand over what I found to work to review. I looked at Bruce's changes to 
 msdosfs_write and tried to do the same (implement cluster_read) using the 
 ext2 and ffs _read methods as a how-to. I think I'm reading ahead too far, or 
 too early. I have been unable to interpret the gstat output during the first 
 part of the transfer any further.
 gstat(8) output at the start (slow, A1), and middle (fast, A2) of a large file 
 copy between msdosfs/usb drive (da0s1) and ufs2/ata-100 (ad1).
 # A1
 dT: 0.501  flag_I 500000us  sizeof 240  i -1
  L(q)  ops/s    r/s   kBps   ms/r    w/s   kBps   ms/w   %busy Name
    14    445    445  28376   24.7      0      0    0.0   99.9| da0
     0     28      0      0    0.0     28   3578    1.7    4.8| ad1
     0     28      0      0    0.0     28   3578    1.7    4.8| ad1s1
    14    445    445  28376   24.9      0      0    0.0  100.0| da0s1
 After 30-45 seconds (1GB test file):
 # A2
 dT: 0.501  flag_I 500000us  sizeof 240  i -1
  L(q)  ops/s    r/s   kBps   ms/r    w/s   kBps   ms/w   %busy Name
     1    403    403  25428    2.1      0      0    0.0   85.0| da0
     0    199      0      0    0.0    199  25532    1.7   34.0| ad1
     0    199      0      0    0.0    199  25532    1.7   34.1| ad1s1
     1    403    403  25428    2.1      0      0    0.0   85.9| da0s1
 The patch which combines Bruce's original patch for msdosfs_write, revised for 
 current text positions, and my attempts to do the same for msdosfs_read.
 Index: msdosfs_vnops.c
 RCS file: /usr/cvs/src/sys/fs/msdosfs/msdosfs_vnops.c,v
 retrieving revision
 diff -u -r1.149.2.1 msdosfs_vnops.c
 --- msdosfs_vnops.c	31 Jan 2005 23:25:56 -0000
 +++ msdosfs_vnops.c	29 May 2005 14:10:18 -0000
 @@ -517,6 +517,8 @@
  	int blsize;
  	int isadir;
  	int orig_resid;
 +	int nblks = 16; /* XXX should be defined, but not here */
 +	int crsize;
  	u_int n;
  	u_long diff;
  	u_long on;
 @@ -565,14 +567,21 @@
  			error = bread(pmp->pm_devvp, lbn, blsize, NOCRED, &bp);
  		} else {
  			blsize = pmp->pm_bpcluster;
 -			rablock = lbn + 1;
 -			if (seqcount > 1 &&
 -			    de_cn2off(pmp, rablock) < dep->de_FileSize) {
 -				rasize = pmp->pm_bpcluster;
 -				error = breadn(vp, lbn, blsize,
 -				    &rablock, &rasize, 1, NOCRED, &bp);
 +			/* XXX what is the best value for crsize? */
 + 			crsize = blsize * nblks > MAXBSIZE ? MAXBSIZE : blsize * nblks;
 +			if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_NOCLUSTERR) == 0) {
 +				error = cluster_read(vp, dep->de_FileSize, lbn,
 +					crsize, NOCRED, uio->uio_resid, seqcount, &bp);
  			} else {
 -				error = bread(vp, lbn, blsize, NOCRED, &bp);
 +				rablock = lbn + 1;
 +				if (seqcount > 1 &&
 +					de_cn2off(pmp, rablock) < dep->de_FileSize) {
 +						rasize = pmp->pm_bpcluster;
 +						error = breadn(vp, lbn, blsize,
 +						&rablock, &rasize, 1, NOCRED, &bp);
 +				} else {
 +					error = bread(vp, lbn, blsize, NOCRED, &bp);
 +				}
  		if (error) {
 @@ -580,14 +589,16 @@
  		on = uio->uio_offset & pmp->pm_crbomask;
 -		diff = pmp->pm_bpcluster - on;
 -		n = diff > uio->uio_resid ? uio->uio_resid : diff;
 +		diff = blsize * nblks - on;
 +		n = blsize * nblks > uio->uio_resid ? uio->uio_resid : blsize * nblks;
  		diff = dep->de_FileSize - uio->uio_offset;
 -		if (diff < n)
 +		if (diff < n) {
  			n = diff;
 -		diff = blsize - bp->b_resid;
 -		if (diff < n)
 +		}
 +		diff = blsize * nblks - bp->b_resid;
 +		if (diff < n) {
  			n = diff;
 +		}
  		error = uiomove(bp->b_data + on, (int) n, uio);
  	} while (error == 0 && uio->uio_resid > 0 && n != 0);
 @@ -607,6 +618,7 @@
  		struct uio *a_uio;
  		int a_ioflag;
  		struct ucred *a_cred;
 +		int seqcount;
  	} */ *ap;
  	int n;
 @@ -615,6 +627,7 @@
  	u_long osize;
  	int error = 0;
  	u_long count;
 +	int seqcount;
  	daddr_t bn, lastcn;
  	struct buf *bp;
  	int ioflag = ap->a_ioflag;
 @@ -692,7 +705,7 @@
  	if (uio->uio_offset + resid > osize) {
  		count = de_clcount(pmp, uio->uio_offset + resid) -
 -			de_clcount(pmp, osize);
 +		   	de_clcount(pmp, osize);
  		error = extendfile(dep, count, NULL, NULL, 0);
  		if (error &&  (error != ENOSPC || (ioflag & IO_UNIT)))
  			goto errexit;
 @@ -700,6 +713,7 @@
  	} else
  		lastcn = de_clcount(pmp, osize) - 1;
 +	seqcount = ioflag >> IO_SEQSHIFT;
  	do {
  		if (de_cluster(pmp, uio->uio_offset) > lastcn) {
  			error = ENOSPC;
 @@ -725,7 +739,7 @@
  			 * then no need to read data from disk.
  			bp = getblk(thisvp, bn, pmp->pm_bpcluster, 0, 0, 0);
 -			clrbuf(bp);
 +			vfs_bio_clrbuf(bp);
  			 * Do the bmap now, since pcbmap needs buffers
  			 * for the fat table. (see msdosfs_strategy)
 @@ -775,6 +789,7 @@
  		 * without delay.  Otherwise do a delayed write because we
  		 * may want to write somemore into the block later.
 +		 /*
  		if (ioflag & IO_SYNC)
  			(void) bwrite(bp);
  		else if (n + croffset == pmp->pm_bpcluster)
 @@ -782,6 +797,24 @@
  		dep->de_flag |= DE_UPDATE;
 +		*/
 +		/*
 +		 * XXX Patch.
 +		 */
 +                if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_NOCLUSTERW) == 0)
 +                       bp->b_flags |= B_CLUSTEROK;
 +                if (ioflag & IO_SYNC)
 +                       (void)bwrite(bp);
 +                else if (vm_page_count_severe() || buf_dirty_count_severe())
 +                       bawrite(bp);
 +                else if (n + croffset == pmp->pm_bpcluster) {
 +                       if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_NOCLUSTERW) == 0)
 +                               cluster_write(bp, dep->de_FileSize, seqcount);
 +                       else
 +                               bawrite(bp);
 +               } else
 +                       bdwrite(bp);
 +                dep->de_flag |= DE_UPDATE;
  	} while (error == 0 && uio->uio_resid > 0);
 With this patch I can get the following transfer rates:
 msdosfs reading
 # ls -lh /mnt/random2.file 
 -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   1.0G May 29 11:24 /mnt/random2.file
 # /usr/bin/time -al cp /mnt/random2.file /vol
        59.61 real         0.05 user         6.79 sys
        632  maximum resident set size
         11  average shared memory size
         80  average unshared data size
        123  average unshared stack size
         88  page reclaims
          0  page faults
          0  swaps
      23757  block input operations **
       8192  block output operations
          0  messages sent
          0  messages received
          0  signals received
      16660  voluntary context switches
      10387  involuntary context switches
 Average Rate: 15.31MB/s. (Would be higher if not for the slow start)
 ** This figure is 3x that of the UFS2 operations. This must be a indicator of 
 what I'm doing wrong, but I don't know what.
 msdosfs writing
 # /usr/bin/time -al cp /vol/random2.file /mnt
        47.33 real         0.03 user         7.13 sys
        632  maximum resident set size
         12  average shared memory size
         85  average unshared data size
        130  average unshared stack size
         88  page reclaims
          0  page faults
          0  swaps
       8735  block input operations
      16385  block output operations
          0  messages sent
          0  messages received
          0  signals received
       8856  voluntary context switches
      29631  involuntary context switches
 Average Rate: 18.79MB/s.
 To compare with UFS2 + softupdates on the same system / disc.
 ufs2 reading
 # /usr/bin/time -al cp /mnt/random2.file /vol
        42.39 real         0.02 user         6.61 sys
        632  maximum resident set size
         12  average shared memory size
         87  average unshared data size
        133  average unshared stack size
         88  page reclaims
          0  page faults
          0  swaps
       8249  block input operations
       8193  block output operations
          0  messages sent
          0  messages received
          0  signals received
       8246  voluntary context switches
      24617  involuntary context switches
 Average Rate: 20.89MB/s.
 ufs2 writing
 # /usr/bin/time -al cp /vol/random2.file /mnt/
        47.12 real         0.03 user         6.74 sys
        632  maximum resident set size
         12  average shared memory size
         85  average unshared data size
        130  average unshared stack size
         88  page reclaims
          0  page faults
          0  swaps
       8260  block input operations
       8192  block output operations
          0  messages sent
          0  messages received
          0  signals received
       8303  voluntary context switches
      24700  involuntary context switches
 Average Rate: 19MB/s.
 I'd hope that someone could point me in the right direction so I can clean the 
 patch up, or finish this off themselves and commit it (or something else 
 which will increase the read/write speed).
 Thanks very much,
 I.T. Services for SMEs in the UK.
 Content-Type: text/x-diff;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
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 Index: msdosfs_vnops.c
 RCS file: /usr/cvs/src/sys/fs/msdosfs/msdosfs_vnops.c,v
 retrieving revision
 diff -u -r1.149.2.1 msdosfs_vnops.c
 --- msdosfs_vnops.c	31 Jan 2005 23:25:56 -0000
 +++ msdosfs_vnops.c	29 May 2005 14:10:18 -0000
 @@ -517,6 +517,8 @@
  	int blsize;
  	int isadir;
  	int orig_resid;
 +	int nblks = 16; /* XXX should be defined, but not here */
 +	int crsize;
  	u_int n;
  	u_long diff;
  	u_long on;
 @@ -565,14 +567,21 @@
  			error = bread(pmp->pm_devvp, lbn, blsize, NOCRED, &bp);
  		} else {
  			blsize = pmp->pm_bpcluster;
 -			rablock = lbn + 1;
 -			if (seqcount > 1 &&
 -			    de_cn2off(pmp, rablock) < dep->de_FileSize) {
 -				rasize = pmp->pm_bpcluster;
 -				error = breadn(vp, lbn, blsize,
 -				    &rablock, &rasize, 1, NOCRED, &bp);
 +			/* XXX what is the best value for crsize? */
 + 			crsize = blsize * nblks > MAXBSIZE ? MAXBSIZE : blsize * nblks;
 +			if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_NOCLUSTERR) == 0) {
 +				error = cluster_read(vp, dep->de_FileSize, lbn,
 +					crsize, NOCRED, uio->uio_resid, seqcount, &bp);
  			} else {
 -				error = bread(vp, lbn, blsize, NOCRED, &bp);
 +				rablock = lbn + 1;
 +				if (seqcount > 1 &&
 +					de_cn2off(pmp, rablock) < dep->de_FileSize) {
 +						rasize = pmp->pm_bpcluster;
 +						error = breadn(vp, lbn, blsize,
 +						&rablock, &rasize, 1, NOCRED, &bp);
 +				} else {
 +					error = bread(vp, lbn, blsize, NOCRED, &bp);
 +				}
  		if (error) {
 @@ -580,14 +589,16 @@
  		on = uio->uio_offset & pmp->pm_crbomask;
 -		diff = pmp->pm_bpcluster - on;
 -		n = diff > uio->uio_resid ? uio->uio_resid : diff;
 +		diff = blsize * nblks - on;
 +		n = blsize * nblks > uio->uio_resid ? uio->uio_resid : blsize * nblks;
  		diff = dep->de_FileSize - uio->uio_offset;
 -		if (diff < n)
 +		if (diff < n) {
  			n = diff;
 -		diff = blsize - bp->b_resid;
 -		if (diff < n)
 +		}
 +		diff = blsize * nblks - bp->b_resid;
 +		if (diff < n) {
  			n = diff;
 +		}
  		error = uiomove(bp->b_data + on, (int) n, uio);
  	} while (error == 0 && uio->uio_resid > 0 && n != 0);
 @@ -607,6 +618,7 @@
  		struct uio *a_uio;
  		int a_ioflag;
  		struct ucred *a_cred;
 +		int seqcount;
  	} */ *ap;
  	int n;
 @@ -615,6 +627,7 @@
  	u_long osize;
  	int error = 0;
  	u_long count;
 +	int seqcount;
  	daddr_t bn, lastcn;
  	struct buf *bp;
  	int ioflag = ap->a_ioflag;
 @@ -692,7 +705,7 @@
  	if (uio->uio_offset + resid > osize) {
  		count = de_clcount(pmp, uio->uio_offset + resid) -
 -			de_clcount(pmp, osize);
 +		   	de_clcount(pmp, osize);
  		error = extendfile(dep, count, NULL, NULL, 0);
  		if (error &&  (error != ENOSPC || (ioflag & IO_UNIT)))
  			goto errexit;
 @@ -700,6 +713,7 @@
  	} else
  		lastcn = de_clcount(pmp, osize) - 1;
 +	seqcount = ioflag >> IO_SEQSHIFT;
  	do {
  		if (de_cluster(pmp, uio->uio_offset) > lastcn) {
  			error = ENOSPC;
 @@ -725,7 +739,7 @@
  			 * then no need to read data from disk.
  			bp = getblk(thisvp, bn, pmp->pm_bpcluster, 0, 0, 0);
 -			clrbuf(bp);
 +			vfs_bio_clrbuf(bp);
  			 * Do the bmap now, since pcbmap needs buffers
  			 * for the fat table. (see msdosfs_strategy)
 @@ -775,6 +789,7 @@
  		 * without delay.  Otherwise do a delayed write because we
  		 * may want to write somemore into the block later.
 +		 /*
  		if (ioflag & IO_SYNC)
  			(void) bwrite(bp);
  		else if (n + croffset == pmp->pm_bpcluster)
 @@ -782,6 +797,24 @@
  		dep->de_flag |= DE_UPDATE;
 +		*/
 +		/*
 +		 * XXX Patch.
 +		 */
 +                if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_NOCLUSTERW) == 0)
 +                       bp->b_flags |= B_CLUSTEROK;
 +                if (ioflag & IO_SYNC)
 +                       (void)bwrite(bp);
 +                else if (vm_page_count_severe() || buf_dirty_count_severe())
 +                       bawrite(bp);
 +                else if (n + croffset == pmp->pm_bpcluster) {
 +                       if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_NOCLUSTERW) == 0)
 +                               cluster_write(bp, dep->de_FileSize, seqcount);
 +                       else
 +                               bawrite(bp);
 +               } else
 +                       bdwrite(bp);
 +                dep->de_flag |= DE_UPDATE;
  	} while (error == 0 && uio->uio_resid > 0);
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