The USB storage device

retrograd retrograd at
Wed May 4 22:46:10 PDT 2005

Hello everybody
 I have two storage USB device. The first is memory stick Kingston DataTravel 256mb, FAT, the second is external hard disk Maxtor One Touch 250gb, NTFS and I have some problems with using these devices.
When I connect Kingston DataTravel, I get system message "umass0: Kingston DataTravel 2.0 addr 3" and then nothing. The device da0 is not created and as result I can not to use the device. When I connect Maxtor One Touch, the device is connected normally, I can see the devices da0 and da0s1 but when I try to use command "mount_ntfs /dev/da0s1 /mnt " the operation system is died. I can not use any commamnd after this. Could you help me?
Best regards, Maxim

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