usb/78208: ulpt page fault

Jan-Espen Pettersen sigsegv at
Mon Mar 14 15:00:09 PST 2005

The following reply was made to PR usb/78208; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Jan-Espen Pettersen <sigsegv at>
To: freebsd-gnats-submit at
Subject: Re: usb/78208: ulpt page fault
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 23:55:20 +0100

 The problem is not easy to reproduce, since it doesn't always happen. 
 (Which is normal for race conditions) It usually happens around close of 
 the ulpt device after transmitting the print job to the printer. Then 
 sometimes I get a crash just after the printer received the bits. (and 
 it prints out just fine, while this system either just reboots (in X11 
 mode) or it drops to ddb (in console)) This means that I can't predict 
 the error.
 I'll try the patch as soon as possible and see if it manages to print a 
 few jobs.

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