Rio Riot

Fred Gilham gilham at
Fri Jan 7 17:42:49 PST 2005


I recently acquired a Rio Riot that was "abandoned on site" by my son.
I tried using it with FreeBSD using the riotware and rioutil programs,
both of which use the libusb library to talk to the ugen interface.
These programs don't work.  When I try them I get console errors.

Here's an example.

In my terminal window:

snapdragon:~ > rioutil -i
Attempting to open Rio and retrieve song list....
Device not found.
library tried to use method: libusb
snapdragon:~ >

In the console window:

When plugged in, prints the following:

ugen0: Sonicblue, Inc. RioRiot Digital Audio Player, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 3

When the above command is given, prints the following:

usbd_setup_pipe: failed to start endpoint, TIMEOUT

I have tried this on both FreeBSD 4.10 and FreeBSD 5.3 (built from
source yesterday).  The errors are similar or identical.

I tried the same setup on a Linux machine and it works OK.

Is there anything I can do to make this work?

Fred Gilham                                         gilham at
The amazing thing is, back when I was a C++ programmer, I thought that
[Design Patterns] was SUCH a great book.  And I guess it was, in a
way: it made it possible to use C++ and get something done.  In the
long run, of course, that may have been a disservice... - Alain Picard

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