USB does not recognize any dynamically plugged devices

Eugene Rogoza euro at
Tue Feb 1 04:03:14 PST 2005

Hello everybody,

I have a FreeBSD 5.3 release on my 855GM-based Dell Inspiron 700m laptop. 
There's a strange glitch: connected USB devices are being recognized and 
attached only at startup (just after bus probing). If I disconnect a device, 
the kernel says "detached", and everything is fine. But if I try to attach 
it again, nothing happens.

This behavior started after I connected and disconnected an Olympus digital 
camera. After I plugged it in, it was correctly recognized and attached 
(umass0). But I realized that I had forgotten to include "device da" in my 
kernel to be able to access camera's memory. I compiled a new kernel, which 
differs from the previous one only by this "device da" string. Since then 
USB doesn't detect any devices plugged at run-time. Trying to boot with 
older kernels (and even with GENERIC) doesn't change the situation.

Any helpful thoughts are being appreciated.

Eugene Rogoza. 

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