Sending commands to USB device

M. Warner Losh imp at
Sun Aug 14 03:46:19 GMT 2005

In message: <6f896f9a0508132011248c83c4 at>
            Karolis Tamutis <karolis.t at> writes:
: Hello, I'm trying to write basic drivers for my Motorola C650 phone,
: based on moto4linux project. By default, phone is connected in AT
: mode, guy from moto4linux simply sends "AT+MODE=8" to acm device to
: change mode to p2k. I've tried same thing on ugen0, no reaction. Is is
: not possible to send commands to device directly in a way of echo
: "command" /dev/ugenX ? Thanks for your time.

The acm device is umodem on FreeBSD, typically.  I'd say give that a


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