
Chuck Robey chuckr at
Sat Dec 25 13:45:52 PST 2004

On Fri, 24 Dec 2004, Barry Bouwsma wrote:

> > > > Has there been any work on getting fingerprint readers working on FreeBSD?
> > > > I *really* disilked the fact that (apparently) the only fingerprint
> > > > reader is supplied via Microsoft, but beyond that, it's a USB device,
> > > > which ought to mean, a simple implementation.  I guess I have to read how
> > > Ahem, sorry.. USB != simple.
> > Can't (and won't), it's Micrsoft, I won't stoop that low.  There's only so
> > many possibilities here, I'll just how to see how I can download whatever
> > the mindless little thing has, and begin comparing with what it could be.
> > The only problem is figuring out how to open it up in general, so I can
> > get that listing.  I'll figure it out, the usb site is on the web, it's
> > got docs, I just hope they're not too huge.
> I suggest you consult the friendly folx hanging out on the USB list
> (usb@ or freebsd-usb@), where I'm sending followups to this as well
> as a copy of this.
> Bernd Walter (ticso) has a ports skeleton for the NetBSD USB utilities
> that can tell you details about the endpoints and protocols of your
> device.
> I thought I had another program that gave even more info, but I'll
> have to look around to try and find it.  I'm not aware of any user
> utilities that can do useful things like extract strings from the
> device, but it's so trivial to do that such a thing certainly
> exists, which can tell you a bit more about the device.  Perhaps
> something in libusb is what I'm thinking of.
> That may be enough to get you started without reinventing the
> wheel.

Now that was really kind of you, thanks.  I'd very much appreciate points
as to what to read.  I need to be able to download whatever it is that
this smallish device offers ... I suspect that one of the simpler,
non-compressed video formats is likely involved, so I will very probably
be able to recognize it via simple manual inspection.

Now, if I can get those skeletons ....

> barry bouwsma
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Chuck Robey         | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
chuckr at   | electronics, communications, and SF/Fantasy.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary (on the wall at my old fraternity,
Signa Phi Nothing).

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