Sony Clie PEG-SJ33 ucom0: init failed, IOERROR

Nikolay Pavlov quetzal at
Tue Dec 14 00:26:38 PST 2004

On Monday, 13 December 2004 at 11:29:36 -0800, Julian Elischer wrote:
> I know is a bit to ask but if you have time and a cdrom burner, you 
> might try
> to boot from the "Freesbie" cdrom (based on 5.3) and see what happens 
> there..
> Where are you?  maybe there is someone near you that runs 5.x or 
> -current :-)
> I will try get some instructions together to allow us to debug this more.

Ok, I have 5.3-RELEASE iso, but first I want to read migration guide to 
migrate safely. I think, that I'll pass on 5.3 during day and than I'll 
inform you about results.

Best regards, sorry for my english
		Nikolay Pavlov.  

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