u-boot for Zynq Zybo-Z7 board
Milan Obuch
freebsd-uboot at dino.sk
Mon Jul 22 12:30:10 UTC 2019
as there is support for older version, Zybo, it should be possible to
run FreeBSD on newer board too. We have a port sysutils/u-boot-zybo for
it, but it does not run correctly on newer board, so I copied this port
and modified Makefile to contain
MASTERDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../u-boot-master
MODEL= zybo-z7
BOARD_CONFIG= zynq_zybo_z7_defconfig
FAMILY= zynq_7000
.include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile"
which kind of works, just it is necessary to do 'make makesum' to get
older u-boot sources and checksum it. By 'kind of works' I mean it does
load the kernel, just there is some error later.
The reason I am writing here is just could the sysutils/u-boot-master
be somehow extended to allow coexistence for older u-boot sources? As
written above, 'make makesum' is necessary to produce the u-boot files,
caused by older sources makesum not present in distinfo file of master
port. My impession is that master port currently simply does not allow
for easy coexistence of various sources...
I have no ready idea to present, but if other than standard current
u-boot version should be used, as in case of zybo and zybo-z7,
masterport could maybe look in distinfo present in that specific
port... For zybo and zybo-z7, neither 2019.04 nor 2019.07 u-boot
compiles, there is something wrong with creating binaries, maybe too
big or somesuch, but 2019.01 verzion seems to work just right.
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