Translation status script

Federico Caminiti demian.fc at
Sat Jun 4 18:09:12 UTC 2016

Hi, Warren:

I've finally gotten arround to working on the documentation scripts last
week. Using your script as a base, I started writing a script
[1] that showed which documents needed to be translated. It is not perfect
and there is much room for improvement, but it is a starting point.

The script itself takes a LANG parameter (if it is not present, it prints
information for all available languages), prints the results on screen and
creates a .csv file using the same information. The script prints 3
columns: document, status and needs_updating .

- The "document" column is simply the document's name.

- The "status" column can have 3 values: translated, untranslated, or
NOT_IN_SVN. The scripts marks a   document as "translated" if a .po or
Makefile file exist in the language's directory and the directory has been
commited to SVN. If the files have not been commited to SVN the status is
set to NOT_IN_SVN. Otherwise the document is considered untranslated.

- The "needs_updating" column can be "NO" (the last commit date of the
translated document is greater than that of the US document), "YES" (the
last commit date of the translated document is less than that of the US
document), or N/A (when the document's status is anything other than

I manually specified the publication types in order to exclude folders like
Flyer which is a special case because it does not have any documents inside
(it is a document in its own right).

The script assumes that the en_US folder contains the list of all the
documents to translate (the folders present in that directory are used as
the list of documents to translate).

I've included an example of the console output with a recent documentation
tree  (updated yesterday) [2] and the .csv file output [3]. These are both
the results of executing the script as "./ es_ES" .





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