PO translations of books

René Ladan r.c.ladan at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 22:09:56 UTC 2015

2015-10-27 22:50 GMT+01:00 Warren Block <wblock at wonkity.com>:
> On Tue, 27 Oct 2015, René Ladan wrote:
>> 2015-10-27 21:42 GMT+01:00 Warren Block <wblock at wonkity.com>:
>>> On Tue, 27 Oct 2015, René Ladan wrote:
>>>> 2015-09-05 2:39 GMT+02:00 Warren Block <wblock at wonkity.com>:
>>>>> So far, there have been several successes at translating the leap
>>>>> seconds
>>>>> article.
>>>>> Has anyone started a PO translation of a book yet?  It would be nice to
>>>>> get
>>>>> some feedback about how well the process works for books with separate
>>>>> chapters.
>>>> I just tried that with the FDP Primer, which consists of multiple XML
>>>> files. It looks like 'make po' does it job fine (with some patches to
>>>> doc.docbook.mk from wblock) but 'make tran' writes everything into
>>>> book.xml instead of preserving the original file structure (in which
>>>> book.xml contains mostly references to the other files).
>>>> This would probably not matter in case we consider the generated
>>>> book.xml as an intermediate file.
>>> Right.  And it is pretty much required for the PO process.  The only way
>>> to
>>> extract a PO is to "normalize" the original XML into a single file, which
>>> includes all the chapter files (which are entities themselves).
>>> I don't think we can keep the original structure, but yes, if we consider
>>> the generated XML file as an intermediate, we don't have to worry about
>>> the
>>> format of that file.
>> One thing though: the final makes traverses through all the referenced
>> XML files, because Makefile still says so, so that file has to be
>> modifed too.
> The Makefile in the translated directory, right?

> Yes.  I included a couple
> of examples in the PO chapter, but that is something we probably should
> expand.  Tell people what it needs and why.  SRCS can be just the one file,
> I'm not certain it needs to even list the images unless there a translated
> images.  (That has not happened yet, ever, as far as I know.)

For simple digits as in the FDP Primer 'make' is indeed fine without
IMAGES_LIB being defined.


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