Heads-up: linker (lld) changes for amd64 coming soon

Fāng-ruì Sòng emacsray at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 03:07:11 UTC 2018

Hi Ed,

I'd like to experiment with LLD --warn-backrefs, which keeps
compatibility with GNU linkers (bfd, gold) in terms of handling of
LazyArchive and LazyObject (see
http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2018-April/122383.html for

I think a few representative FreeBSD packages may be a great
playground to try --warn-backrefs

Do you have some pointers on how I can build these packages locally
with --warn-backrefs ?

(BTW, I have some limited experience with the GHC build system but I'm
not sure if I can help with it)

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