splitting libc -> libc + libsys and static linking

Shawn Webb shawn.webb at hardenedbsd.org
Tue Apr 3 20:44:24 UTC 2018

On Tue, Apr 03, 2018 at 08:32:10PM +0000, Brooks Davis wrote:
> We (mostly Ali) are working on a patch to to split the actual syscalls
> (__sys_<foo>) out of libc and into a libsys.  For dynamic linking,
> this is fairly straightforward (link libc against libsys, maybe as a
> filter).  For static linking, I'm looking for feedback on the right
> approach.  Do we link libsys.a into libc.a?  Do we try to teach all the
> compilers to add -lsys?  I'm pretty sure we don't modify all the ports
> that statically link programs.  Is there some easy approach I'm missing?

Hey Brooks,

I'm curious about the reasoning behind this change. Could you explain
in more detail why you'd like to create a libsys?


Shawn Webb
Cofounder and Security Engineer

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