FYI: what it takes for RAM+swap to build devel/llvm40 with 4 processors or cores and WITH__DEBUG= (powerpc64 example)

Mark Millard markmi at
Wed Apr 5 22:22:24 UTC 2017

On 2017-Apr-5, at 10:20 AM, Alexey Dokuchaev <danfe at> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 05, 2017 at 07:12:06PM +0200, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
>> Le 05/04/2017 ?? 18:15, Alexey Dokuchaev a ??crit :
>>> ...
>>> That 1G looks like a big jump from 259M of llvm39-3.9.1_1.txz to me.
>> So, you are comparing the size of the llvm39 package with the size of
>> the llvm40 after extraction ?
> Ha, didn't realize it, I'm so dumb.  What the size of llvm40-*.txz then?
> I don't have it cached locally yet...

Someone else provided a comparison.

But as for the installed-size goes:

Looks like pkg delete's report of size is truncated
or rounded to an integral GiByte count for llvm40.
pkg info shows (reminder: powerpc64 context):

# pkg info llvm40 | grep "Flat size"
Flat size      : 1.38GiB

So I did not pick a good estimate to report for
installed-size for the no-WITH_DEBUG variant's scale
for installed-size.

Mark Millard
markmi at

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