elftoolchain update?

Kai Wang kaiw at FreeBSD.org
Tue Sep 30 11:35:49 UTC 2014

Hello Will,

My apologies for the delayed reply. I've totally missed these few

I can investigate the C++ object files issue and make fixes for
them ASAP.

Regarding <elfdefinitions.h> header, it was used for elftoolchain to
build on various OS independently. When merging elftoolchain back to
FreeBSD, I found it's very hard to use the <elfdefinitions.h> header
because of the conflicts. So I decided to continue using the existing
system ELF headers. You approach of merging the missing defines from
<elfdefinitions.h> to the elfXX.h headers looks good to me.


On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 11:32:20AM -0600, Will Andrews wrote:
> Hi,
> I've created a git-svn clone of the current elftoolchain, and applied
> some fixes in a branch:
> https://github.com/wca/elftoolchain/tree/freebsd
> Any objections if I update the copy in head using this branch?  I've
> heard nothing from either Kai or Joseph.
> I'm not done testing yet -- it looks like there are some more bugfixes
> needed to get ctfconvert to at least run against C++ object files
> without bailing.  Just wanted to know if there are any specific
> concerns that people might have.
> A related review involves an update for the ELF headers:
> https://reviews.freebsd.org/D844
> I haven't finished testing this either (need to do an universe build
> to check for conflicts), but my goal here is to achieve header parity
> with <elfdefinitions.h> from elftoolchain, which is largely duplicate.
> The elftoolchain header exports many more symbols that are used by its
> userland programs.  This would include arch-specific interpretations
> of some ELF structures.  I believe it's appropriate to export these on
> a global basis, given that userland programs can legitimately be run
> on object files built for architectures other than the system they're
> running on.
> Thanks!
> --Will.
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 5:01 PM, Will Andrews <will at freebsd.org> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I see there have been a lot of updates & fixes to elftoolchain since
> > the last import into FreeBSD/head nearly 8 months ago.  Are there any
> > plans to update the import?
> >
> > I'm asking because it appears that ctfconvert currently crashes
> > (specifically, due to a bug in dwarf_attrval_unsigned()), if you try
> > to use it on C++ object files.
> >
> > This is easily demonstrated by applying this patch to FreeBSD/head and
> > building sbin/devd with WITH_CTF=1:
> > http://people.freebsd.org/~will/add-ctfconvert-to-cpp-object-files.diff
> >
> > Justin Gibbs (cc'd) posted about this issue in February, and it's
> > still a problem:
> > http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-toolchain/2014-February/001121.html
> >
> > Thanks,
> > --Will.

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