clang's scan-build tool?

David Chisnall theraven at
Fri Oct 4 09:09:16 UTC 2013

Hi Kurt,

On 4 Oct 2013, at 03:50, Kurt Lidl <lidl at> wrote:

> However, I don't get the "scan-build" tool that is one of
> clang's tools - it doesn't look like it got imported into
> the contrib/llvm/clang/tools directory.
> Given the usefulness of this tool, is there any chance it
> could be included under the aegis of WITH_CLANG_EXTRAS?

The scan-build tool (and scan-view) is a Python script, so putting it in the base system without Python being in the base system wouldn't be much help.  It would make a bit more sense to have the scan-view script from the base system as a stand-alone port, with an explicit Python dependency, so that it could be installed easily and Just Work™, rather than having something in the base system that required a port to be installed before it would actually work.


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