gcc46 --version incompatible with bsd.compiler.mk

Brooks Davis brooks at freebsd.org
Mon Oct 15 15:27:56 UTC 2012

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 03:42:20PM +0300, Andriy Gapon wrote:
> Gerald,
> $ gcc46 --version
> gcc46 (FreeBSD Ports Collection) 4.6.3
> I think that the above should have just "gcc" instead of "gcc46".  The version is
> reported separately from the compiler name.
> The above output confuses bsd.compiler.mk.

Alternatively I could alter bsd.compiler.mk to accept gcc[1-9][0-9] as
gcc.  You could also set COMPILER_TYPE to override the check entirely.

The end state that got proposed at the Cambridge devsummit was that
external toolchains would provide a makefile that bsd.compiler.mk could
include that would handle this.  An example implementation would be to
add something like the following to the top of bsd.compiler.mk:

.if defined(TOOLCHAIN_MK) && exists(${TOOLCHAIN_MK})
.include ${TOOLCHAIN_MK}

You could then point TOOLCHAIN_MK to a file that might look something
like (I'm not sure the CC assignments would actually work here, but you
get the idea):


-- Brooks
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