[Patch] C1X threading support

Daniel Eischen deischen at freebsd.org
Tue Dec 20 13:05:00 UTC 2011

On Tue, 20 Dec 2011, Niall Douglas wrote:

> 4. Because POSIX does evolve over time - indeed, its next release is
> same year as C1X (i.e. next year). People sit on both ISO committees
> and are on the Austin Working Group. There is significant
> cross-pollination. The changes in C1X are highly likely to become
> normalised in the next iteration of POSIX. So think of this way, the
> departures from POSIX in C1X were mostly intended as departures by
> POSIX from POSIX next iteration anyway.

Think what you want, but monitoring the austin mailing list,
it seemed to catch everyone by surprise that C1X was coming
up with a threading interface that diverged from POSIX.
At least a couple of years ago that was the case, but
perhaps that prompted the cross-pollination.


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