libkse: propagate test

Daniel Eischen deischen at
Thu Sep 9 07:16:31 PDT 2004

On Thu, 9 Sep 2004, Andrew Belashov wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello, All!
> I'm debugging libkse library for FreeBSD/sparc64.
> Some tests from lib/libpthread/test/ failed.
> Please, explain me, that it means:
> ===================================
> bel at bel$ ./
> 1..1
> ~                 U close
> ~                 U close
> ~                 U wait
> ~                 U sleep

It means something in libc is calling those functions instead
of using the internal names (e.g., _close() instead of close()).
At a quick glance, the offenders seem to be:

  libc/gen/rcmdsh.c		close, wait
  libc/gen/sysconf.c		close
  libc/rpc/getnetconfig.c	sleep

Dan Eischen

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