Butenhof on Solaris 1:1 vs M:N
Daniel Eischen
eischen at vigrid.com
Thu Nov 6 07:16:41 PST 2003
I found this interesting take by David Butenhof on Sun's choice of the 1:1
model over the M:N model:
"Yes, it is hard to get M:N working right, though there are real advantages.
(System Software development is not generally dedicated to the principle of
avoiding "hard" problems, after all.) But the history of Sun's trouble with
M:N isn't nearly as much technical as political. Even when developers tried
to address design problems, they weren't allowed. So, yes, giving up on M:N
probably was the best course, for Sun. M:N isn't something that can be done
halfway -- you either commit to the whole thing and follow through, or
you're better off not trying. Unlike Solaris, the Tru64 UNIX M:N scheduling
model was actually designed to work, and does. It (like all else) isn't
perfect, but it scales, it supports detailed and effective debugging, and
it's cleanly and deeply integrated with the kernel."
Dan Eischen
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