Patch for running Java2D demo (jdk-1.4.1p3_3)

Terry Lambert tlambert2 at
Mon May 5 21:45:58 PDT 2003

> Daniel Eischen wrote:
> > > Personally, I don't think this is justifiable, and that the
> > > problem is actually a coding error in the threaded program,
> > > with failure to comply with the POSIX and Single UNIX
> > > Specification when writing your threaded program.  The pthreads
> > > documentation seems to back me up (Chapter 12 of "Go Solo 2",
> > > as well as Corrigenda).
> >
> > It *is* an rtld-elf problem.  I've protected dlfoo() all with the
> > same mutex and it still hangs.  rtld-elf uses spinlocks in
> > areas that aren't called by dlfoo().

Rather than pointing at the standards over and over again, it
occurs to me that I should ask you a question, instead, to
emphasize our disconnect; so here it is:

	If my theory of operation for the bug was incorrect,
	can you tell me *why* my suggested scheduler workaround
	fixed it, instead of having no effect or only a partial

-- Terry

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