Call for thread testers

Terry Lambert tlambert2 at
Thu Aug 28 02:21:49 PDT 2003

Gordon Tetlow wrote:
> > It could be that name resolution is giving it problems because
> > it's not thread-safe (in libc)...
> Probably, but it is still a problem that needs to be addressed. Is it
> possible to wrap the resolver in a umtx or some such other structure?

The proper way to fix this, and the Netscape LDAP client
libraries, until they are made reentrant, is to implement
stub functions which lock a request queue, queue requests
with monotonically increasing ID's, and then use a single
library spawned worker thread in order to serially satisfy
the queued requests (also queueing responses at the same
time, using the ID corresponding to the request, so that it
can be demux'ed back to the caller.  Each caller would block
on a per caller data structure condition variable, using an
expandable pool of these structures in order to support an
arbitrary number of calling threads.

Microsoft calls this "apartment model threading".

It's pretty trivial to do this; for an employer a while back,
I did this for the Netscape LDAP client libraries to make
them thread-safe.

BTW: in case it wasn't obvious from the above, a mutex is
exactly the wrong way to do this.

Also: you may want to look into porting the Darwin lookupd;
there was also a university which offered up their own
version of a lookupd, the last time this question came up,
which included caching to speed duplicate requests (an
obvious win, for an http proxy server!), but no one took
them up on their offer and committed the code.

The main problem with a "thread safe resolver with the ability
to handle an arbitrary number of client threads" is that you
end up needing "an arbitrary number of UDP (and TCP, if the
responses get large) sockets", which sucks.  Better to serialize
through one thread in an apartment model, and then expand the
number of threads in the apartment to some administrative
maximum concurrency, when the resolver code is rewritten.

-- Terry

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