To develop the new Mould & relevant products

Robert aaamould at
Sun Oct 2 08:42:16 UTC 2016

Hello freebsd-tex,  

How are you ?

We are one of the professional manufacturers for injection mould and plastic products, die casting , rubber /silicone products.

If you have any new project for the new mold developing and mass production purchasing, we would like to establish the good and long cooperation with you . Pls kindly send us the 2D drawings-in PDF ,DWG format file/3D drawings in IGS, STEP,STP,X_T format file  with detailed requirement. 

Looking forward to hear from you.

With best regards

AAA Mould Industrial Co.,Ltd.
Add: RM1107,Shuanglong Internatinal,No.2. Xintang Str. Longgang.Shenzhen.China.
Email:manager at, aaamould at,
Skype: aaamould1, wechat:paulchinamold.
Tell: 0086-755-89618186


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