Kyua reporting tool question

Susan Stanziano susan.stanziano at
Thu Apr 11 15:09:27 UTC 2019

Just to update this, I tried the report tool on a FreeBSD12 VM this morning 

with kyua version 0.13_4,3 (a later version than I had before) and it worked as expected. 

I could get just the failed testcases reported with: 

"kyua report --results-filter=failed" or even with "kyua report --results-filter failed" 

Alan - should I still report this as a bug on the earlier version? 


From: "Susan Stanziano" <susan.stanziano at> 
To: "NGie Cooper" <yaneurabeya at> 
Cc: "freebsd-testing" <freebsd-testing at> 
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 11:09:41 PM 
Subject: Re: Kyua reporting tool question 

Name: kyua 
Version: 0.13_2,3 
Installed on: Wed Dec 19 08:45:14 2018 EST 
Origin: devel/kyua 
Architecture: FreeBSD:10:amd64 
Prefix: /usr/local 
Categories: devel 
Liceses: BSD3CLAUSE 
Maintainer: jmmv at 

This is installed on an OpenServer10 (based on FreeBSD10.3) VM. 
I don't believe that modifications would have been made to kyua in the Xinuos repository, 
but I will ask about that. 

Tomorrow I will install a FreeBSD12 VM and try running kyua there. 


From: "NGie Cooper" <yaneurabeya at> 
To: "Susan Stanziano" <susan.stanziano at> 
Cc: "freebsd-testing" <freebsd-testing at> 
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 10:12:26 PM 
Subject: Re: Kyua reporting tool question 

This doesn’t make sense… Could you share some more details, e.g., what version of kyua are you using, where did you obtain it from, and does the version of kyua you’re using have any local modifications? 
Thank you! 

On Apr 10, 2019, at 7:10 PM, Susan Stanziano < susan.stanziano at > wrote: 

Hi NGie, 

Thanks for the response. I tried this again with: 

#kyua report --results-filter=failed --output=test-output.xml 

and I still see "passed" test results in the output file. 

If this is the correct syntax for creating an output file with only failed test results, 
then I'm beginning to wonder if somehow my script is wrong somewhere else and 
I will spend some time taking it apart step by step. 


From: "NGie Cooper" < yaneurabeya at > 
To: "Susan Stanziano" < susan.stanziano at > 
Cc: "freebsd-testing" < freebsd-testing at > 
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 6:34:55 PM 
Subject: Re: Kyua reporting tool question 

> On Apr 10, 2019, at 3:30 PM, Susan Stanziano < susan.stanziano at > wrote: 
> Hi all, 
> A question on the kyua reporting tool: 
> kyua report --results-filter 
> should not include passed tests if used without an argument. 
> But, when I run it this way I get all results including passed. 
> And if I run it with an argument (failed), I still get all results: 
> kyua report --results-filter failed 
> --results-filter types Comma-separated list of the test result types to include in the 
> report. The ordering of the values is respected so that you can 
> determine how you want the list of tests to be shown. 
> The valid values are: ‘broken’, ‘failed’, ‘passed’, ‘skipped’ and 
> ‘xfail’. If the parameter supplied to the option is empty, filtering 
> is suppressed and all result types are shown in the report. 
> The default value for this flag includes all the test results except 
> the passed tests. Showing the passed tests by default clutters the 
> report with too much information, so only abnormal conditions are 
> Any insight is appreciated. 

Hi Susan! 
What happens if you use `kyua report —results-filter=failed` (note the `=`)? 

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