Requests for Help: add FreeBSD procstat support to akuma library for Jenkins

Craig Rodrigues rodrigc at
Sun Jun 28 20:46:19 UTC 2015

On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 11:48 AM, Allan Jude <allanjude at> wrote:

> To help with this, I have an outstanding patch that adds libxo support
> to procstat, so it is easier to do stuff like this:

You have definitely put some serious work into this patch.
I need to double check the diff and provide my feedback on
Phabricator, but I would definitely like this to go in.

For the purposes of using this with akuma + Jenkins, I think it is too
early to encourage third party libraries to start using a libxo'ified
because this is not in any released version of FreeBSD.

However, this is definitely the direction I would like to see more
utilities in the base system
move towards.  It definitely makes it easier to pull FreeBSD system
information into
third party scripts and libraries.

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